My Birthday Gift

Birthday Gift

23th December 2009 – I’m now 25 years old, instead something yet to be achieve – I would be ashamed there are still much things need to be perfected. If this feeling of being nothing worthless enough to be exist the vast of milky way – thought much people ever felt the same – I would prefer to stay in the evening breeze for a moment, and letting my own self looked very deep to the ocean of life.

We have lunch together with traditional recipes on modern room. I never planned a private date for this day, but let everything go as it is would be a better and better from moment to moment. It was a tender afternoon, with bright shining day and soft wind flows down from the mountain.

She gave me a present was wrapped by orange paper with chrysanthemum motives on it. Small box which I can’t guess what inside.

Yes, after I opened it, it is a wallet – chased with soft light brown silky leather – a dark brown one. She may be know, I’m looking for a new wallet so often when we hanging out together in any occasions . There is a birthday card “Happy 25th Birthday Sweetheart, wish be grown up and becoming one who gifted. Don’t get lazy and keep working good.”

I thought the last one its bit too deep, but thanks – its just more than everything inside everything that came to me on this special moment.

  This blog post has been Digiproved © 2009

13 tanggapan untuk “My Birthday Gift”

  1. happy birth day ya…
    semoga yang segala yang menjadi tujuan dapat tercapai…
    .-= tiny´s last blog ..HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010… (^o^)/ =-.


  2. Selamat Ulang Tahun Bro, Semoga selalu Berbahagia dan Mampu Memberikan Karya Terbaik bagi Nusa dan Bangsa :D.
    Kapan Upacaranya he he hee…


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