The Last Potter

Yesterday night, I was treated to watch the new movie, “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows – Part 2” in 3D cinematography. At first, since the new import movie taxes issue, I didn’t think that this movie would arrive in Indonesia. Well, but yesterday was amazing.

As one of the most anticipated movie in this year, I think it should be amazing and memorable since this is the last of eight Harry Potter’s movies according to its seven series novel by J.K Rowling.

I did have a plan to watch it since last week, but to think I would have it for free on 3D cinematography, I must be lucky. And indeed, I was very lucky to have a free dinner afterward.

So let’s go to the movie review, or perhaps not, I am not a good reviewer or so. The opening start when the last movie left, it’s a natural, even then after a few scenes, I found that the scenes were different from its origin novel, but the main storyline wasn’t changed at all, except the ending where Harry broke the Elder Wand into two pieces intentionally.

I do understand that the producing team should put a long storyline to only for a 130 minutes movie, it would be hard to keep up to the movie would cover the origin story.

But I think this was one of the good series that have been made. Well, by considering, that there were one or a couple of movies that really disappointing. The rate is good, IMDb gives about 87 from 100 meta-scores, and I would agree for that rating.

The special effects are amazing in some scenes, but not all of them. I really love the scenes of Hogwarts last battle. But for the ending scenes, after 19 years later, it seems that Harry and his friends still look so young despite the heavy adulthood makeups they put on.

But nevertheless, it a worth movie to watch. I wish the Blu-ray edition would come with extra editor’s cuts, then it will be fantastic.

26 tanggapan untuk “The Last Potter”

  1. Blablabla Locomoto!! Kalau ga salah inget sih. Sy juga dapat lucky tiket gratis. Nemenin temen cari tiket, malah dibelikan sekalian. Rejeki-rejeki. Tapi bagus banget. Cerita menegangkan terjamin, yang konyol juga banyak.


    • Rahad, I suggest to buy the original copy of DVD or Blu-Ray on market – we should give appreciation for their hard work on making this movie ;).


  2. i sleep on the first movie :mrgreen: i don’t know if i want watch this one (on theater) …. or maybe i probably wait the dvd (rip … hahaha) release and watch the two of them simultaneously …


    • Rangga, or… you should wait the BR – only about 11 GB for a single movie :lol:. Well, the theater must be very comfortable :D.


    • TreTans, well, since the market for a pirated copy – ehem… – is full of enthusiasm, just like they who were watching it at the theaters :).


    • Gie, yeah…, there are more Potters and more Weasleys in the end, but according to the Potter’s timeline, it yet to be happened.


    • Randa, the sword of Godric Gryffindor only shows up at the begining and the end of the movie. Ups…, I spoiled the story :D.


  3. Saya kurang suka mas ma harpot yg part 2 ini. ceritanya terlalu cepat dan hanya inti2nya saja.. tidak seperti novelnya ..
    kemaren nonton jadi sedikit kecewa.. tp smg transformer tidak 😀


    • Well, I have listening the audio books this past two months, so I didn’t demand to much for this movie to has an exact storyline. But the creativity that lies behind making it still interesting despite with a shorter storyline, would be a genuine piece of art :).

      He he…, transformer didn’t have a novel, they would not made the story a little shorter I think :D.


  4. 3D? Eheeem…hanya bisa ngayal 😆
    Ah…jadi mupeng [engen nonton yang 3D 😀
    Tapi gak papa deh, ini download versi TS aja udah lumayan, daripada gak nonton sama sekali 😆


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