Dónde Están Mis Sueños

Dónde Están Mis Sueños, maybe you will ask me what is that? It is a Spanish if translated with Google, it comes as “Where Are My Dreams.”

Well, before I am going any further. I would like to ask you whether you ever heard about Don Quixote? Yes, he is a famous character of local legend (specifically a novel). A man that lives with his fantastic imagination of Knights, bravery, and code of conduct as a real gentleman. He wishes to fulfill his dream to find true love, his true love even he never met her, his Dulcinea.

His story was animated into an animation film, but this time not Don Quixote as the central figure, but a donkey belonging to his best friend – Sancho Panza’s donkey, Rucio, who always dreams of being a noble steed. It remembers me with Shrek The Movie on the Donkey character, they are so similar. So the animation then titled as Donkey Xote. I love this movie very much, it’s so entertaining.

But this moment, I love to share the soundtrack of this film, by Marta Sánchez, the song “Dónde Están Mis Sueños” which they have an English version as “One and Only.” It is a powerful song, so capable of inspiring any man who searches for his true love, his only women.

Please enjoy.

12 tanggapan untuk “Dónde Están Mis Sueños”

  1. ……..

    You’re my one and only when the rain is pouring
    When you’re lost and only, can you hear me calling
    You’re my one and only I’ll be there to hold you
    You’re my one and only


    *udah dapet dong, sisanya nanti yaaa hahaha*
    .-= Titut´s last blog ..www.nightearth.com =-.


  2. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
    Perlahan namun pasti postingan ini saya tulis,Kata demi kata dipersiapkan agar enak dibaca dan dihayati,Hari yang selalu dinanti sudah di hadapan,hari yang Akbar yang sangat didambakan setiap insan.Idul Fitri 1430 H telah tiba.Hari dimana kita kembali kepda Fitrah Nya.
    Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H
    Kami sekeluarga Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin,Apabila ada kata di postingan atau dikomentar yang kurang berkenan dihati Anda.
    Kami sekeluarga
    Dadang Supriadi


  3. wihhhh *buka kamus spanish*

    btw bro kok blogmu jadi rame gini ya?? sedikit ribet kesannya bro sorri kritik dikit
    .-= co-that´s last blog ..Ingin Menulis Lagi =-.


  4. susah ya cari liriknya.. *sigh* padahal itu film 2007 lho *besok pagi aku mau cari lagi 🙂 *
    .-= Titut´s last blog ..God, thank you… =-.


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