Secret Operation–Code: Moon arch

Dear reader, there is something I need to do for next couple weeks, if you read Bhyllabus’ status last week, you maybe already now if this month would be a vacant month for Bhyllabus (but not the entire month).

I truly sorry I can’t bear to stay on blogsphere. So I will leave in the next two days, for some secret operation, code: Moon Arch (just to make it sounds cool). It is confidential, don’t tell anybody.

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12 tanggapan untuk “Secret Operation–Code: Moon arch”

  1. Julie,

    Waduh, I am afraid I can't left them alive if they know too much (ha ha…, kaya agent double o seven) :D.

    Mas Ganda,

    Bukan, kalau itu sih Bli Dani, operasinya mulai besok malam :).


    RA-HA-SI-A 😆


    Hi hi, oleh-oleh apaan nih? Di bulan ndak apa-apa lho 😀


    Nah, semoga bisa kembali 😉


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